Every second month the Canadian board members design the newsletter to tell you what’s happening at the Kuwala Campus in Malawi. This is your chance to see how the school is progressing month after month and the direct impact your donation has on teenage girls in Africa.
The following list is the print-friendly format that can be downloaded, shared, and printed using Adobe’s PDF reader. This newsletter version has additional content not found in Stories and is a perfect format to read on an iPad. Enjoy.

In this edition, we explore how we are growing our student population and how our farm is progressing. The feature article discusses how we are now cultivating using bio-fertilizer as a by-product of the bio-gas digester.
As September comes to a close, we are welcoming a new cohort of students to the Campus, and the third hostel is nearing completion.
Lastly, we are planning a capital fundraiser to build a Complex admin building to support teachers and students alike.

This special edition of Stories From the Field features Kuwala’s first-ever Service Trip for 18 Canadians who travelled to Lilongwe, Africa, to visit Kuwala’s campus.
In this edition, discover the activities, where we stayed, what we learned, and our impressions in the warm heart of Africa.
The newsletter caps off with the graduation of the Form 4 students, who they are, and the day’s celebration.

Kuwala’s Club Six is in full swing. This edition features each club and discusses how it helps students with their academic studies. The Campus continues its operation by nominating a student body council in several key areas.
The call to action in this edition is a brief note that a Canadian Service Trip is now in the final planning stages and will arrive in Malawi on June 2nd. Join our new email subscription to follow our daily activities by watching short videos.

The new science lab at Kuwala is complete, and the girls were quick to start using the commercial-grade chemistry glass and equipment. This lab is a significant addition and rare for a rural school in Malawi.
The students are starting a new Club Six Program where extracurricular clubs on Fridays devote time and energy to: science, math, computer, writers and debators, wildlife, and chess.
Lastly, in this edition, we feature the planting of Moringa Trees as a newest functional crop at Kuwala as part of the wildlife club.

Welcome to the January edition of our newsletter, ushering in a fresh year. In this issue, we reflect on the events of December and the festive season, highlighting the remarkable gathering of village Elders at our largest-ever Kuwala hamper donation event.
Additionally, we delve into the Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art, an extraordinary space that goes beyond a conventional museum. Here, history, culture, and art converge, crafting an experience that captivates and enlightens. Join us as we explore these enriching narratives.

We are nearing the end of 2023, and in this version, we are advertising and celebrating Giving Tuesdays on the 28th of November. Hopefully, you can give whatever you can by clicking the Donate button to take you to Canada Helps.
Construction continues with the pour of the concrete floor in the new Campus Trades Workshop and the solar power electronics and controls are in. We now can use the power of the sun. This month, Doreen and Casey, Kuwala students won an award at the Innovation Fair for their water-irrigation project.

This edition has a few extra feature stories about the farm, our solar panel installation from H.E. Engineering Ltd, and an update on where the graduating class of 2022 is doing academically. The harvest starts with excess tomatoes and onions going to the local market!
The students are back from the summer holidays and ready to learn.

In this edition, the Form 1 and 3 girls get a surprise field trip to Kabumba Beach on Lake Malawi. For many of these girls, it was the first time outside their rural area and to a lake. The bus trip was buzzing with many conversations and laughter, and the anticipation of the day’s activities was exciting.
We also thank our past photographer Chemwemwe for his friendship and help during these past few years and warm welcome our new Campus photographer, Chembekezo Tchaire.

This year’s grad theme is Hope and Success. This special edition includes all the 2023 grad photos. Sharon, a Form 1 student, is featured in a written profile by her, and the students are heading home for a break.
The farm continues to grow, and check out what our farm manager, Innocent, is up to in the gardens.

May is the time of year when the school administration staff start recruiting for the fall. New student candidates, some 450 of them, lined up at the Campus gates. The event’s popularity has spread to the local village, where an open market is set up just outside the gates to sell wares to the parents. Mark and Leslie Kinzel, the Canadian delegation, also visited Kuwala and toured the new farm.

This edition showcases the importance of the new operational Maize Mill Centre on the Campus.
In April, we celebrated Earth Day on the 27th and details what we are doing to be more sustainable and resilient against climate change impacting Malawi. Also, April was International Girls in ICT Day, focusing on digital skills for life as this year’s theme.

In this edition, the students are preparing for mid-terms, and there is a feature article on why English is essential at Kuwala and is heavily weighted in the national exams. In March, it was also International Women’s Day and Poetry Day. Form 2 Student Naomi has written a poem called, “We are Diamonds and Stars.”
Lastly, there are articles on the importance of purchasing new farmland, and the biogas installation is nearing completion.

In this edition, the students took some time off their studies to have a sports day with another local school. We have a few new employees to announce, Mr. Loydwel Katanga, teaching geography, history, bible studies, and English studies.
Caroline, Form One student, writes about her experience at Kuwala.

In this edition, the students at Kuwala have been in lockdown after the government declared the Cholera outbreak a significant health risk to Malawi. The students however, studied while they were in lockdown in their villages. They returned to school later in January.
The Kuwala staff had time to develop their teamwork during an offsite workshop called “Organizational Culture Training.”

Malawi welcomes the Canadian delegation.
This is a special edition to finish off our incredible 2022 year. Many thanks to all our donors for making this year our best yet! We completed many projects, had our first graduation of Form 4 students, and it was our first visit to Malawi in almost three years.

Students are off to a great start.
In this edition, we document a typical day at the Campus and meet Head Chef, Mr. Phillius Kupeta.

Welcome new students!
This edition explores new hope and new beginnings with the next cohort of students. Oct was International Girl Child Day and World Teacher’s Day. This newsletter’s special edition also has the entire graduating class of 2022.

In this newsletter, we reflect on a meaningful school year and look forward to a new cohort of students. Kuwala also forms the first-ever Parent Teachers Association.

Graduation class of 2022.
The August edition is extra special. The first cohort of Form 4 students has graduated. We are excited to announce the next new cohort of 60 students will arrive this fall!
To finish the semester, the graduating class went on a field trip to the University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) to explore different agricultural practices.

Celebrating our partnership between Canada and Malawi.
In the July edition, students are back at their studies, and the new student candidates were writing their entrance exams. Over 600 girls showed up!
Kuwala continues to grow; we purchased some new land next to the Campus property to develop an organic farming practice by hiring a new Farm Supervisor.

School is out.
In June the students took a small break and headed home for a much-deserved break.
Good progress was made on the second staff house, with windows and doors being installed. The students continue their Community Outreach Program by revisiting a Likango village near the campus to weed and care for the previously planted trees.

Kuwala welcomed Caroline Delany, Canada’s High Commissioner to Malawi.
In this edition, we discuss the environmental changes that Malawi is experiencing.

Earth Day
This edition celebrates Earth Day with the students looking after the tomatoes growing in the greenhouse.
Construction starts with our first duplex staff house and an article on what Kuwala is doing to mitigate the effects of climate change.

International Women’s day
This edition kicks off with what International Women’s Day means to the Kuwala girls and all of Malawians.
Great futures start with the basics. New uniforms, desks, and beds have arrived at the campus for the new students accepted this year.
In this edition, we feature Teacher Mr. Dan Phiri and a very engaging student essay by Tiyanjane, a Form 4 student writing about the importance of educating girls.

Major donor funds new classroom block!
This edition celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Other newsworthy articles include environmental impacts from Storm Ana and our newly funded second classroom block. In this newsletter, we are featuring bios on our newest teacher and 3 student profiles.

New year new look.
In this edition, the seasonal rains have come painting the land a shade of green. The students are back from the Christmas holidays and we have new students in Forms, one through four. Kuwala was nominated as one of 49 eligible Canadian charities through the Aligned Social Responsibility program, “Giving Generously.”

It’s the time of the year to give and receive thanks.
This is the last edition of the newsletter for 2021. We will continue in 2022 with new stories from the field. In this edition, Kuwala gives back to the elders from neighbouring villages with Christmas hampers. As we say goodbye to 2021, we welcome another group of students to the campus starting in Jan-22.

Green and growing.
This is the Christmas version of the newsletter just before the student’s break for the seasonal holidays in Malawi. Girls are doing a little spring cleaning-early we might add to leave the campus clean for the holiday. St. Peter’s Assembly Hall is getting ceiling lights and a gas main for the commercial kitchen installed this month.

International Day of the Girl Child.
In this edition, the students journey to Savannah Beach on Lake Malawi. The debating club is in the zone, with the Green and Red teams showing off their colours. October is the month of Thanksgiving; to give thanks, the girls show off their larger-than-life handcrafted cards.

A strong focus on learning
In this fall edition, the girls are back and using computers as a study tool. Huge crowds showed up for the entrance exams, and construction on St. Peter’s Assembly Hall is more than bricks and mortar.

Goin’ home, going mobile
The Kuwala girls are taking a break and going home for the end of the summer for a few weeks.
In this issue, we meet the culinary team and they share their life story. The students continue to pay it forward by visiting the village as part of their Outreach program.

All aboard, a road trip.
Our Kuwala girls step into Africa’s wild countryside on their first-ever road trip. Also in this issue, you will learn how the students’ commitment to give back results in pints of blood. Come read with us as McSensio Raphael discusses what Kuwala means to him personally.

Education for life.
In this issue, we are showcasing quadratic equations, William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and Sports Days—all study and no play is not much fun!

We are keeping connected over 14,002 km.
In this issue, we explore some of the ways we stay connected to our Malawian team in order to bring you monthly updates.

Spring has sprung.
Kuwala celebrated an exceptional Easter Sunday! The students and staff were lead by a meaningful sermon from the Pastor, refreshments and an opportunity to gather in small groups.
Click the button to download a print-friendly version of the newsletter. 1.4MB download.

International Women’s Day.
In March, around the world, we recognized International Women’s Day. Together, we can celebrate the accomplishments at Kuwala Christian Girls School, where young girls are on their way to achieving an education that will lift them towards a better life.
Click the button to download a print-friendly version of the newsletter. 2.1 MB download.