Kuwala Christian Girls School
Kuwala students working in the Farm's garden using a hoe break up the soil for planting.

Stories from the Farm

Growing a Sustainable Future: Kuwala’s Journey to Food Self-Sufficiency.

Kuwala is actively undertaking measures to enhance agricultural output and achieve food self-sufficiency. It is also developing water retention and management systems to mitigate the effects of increasing drought periods. The school is committed to adopting innovative agronomic practices for soil enrichment and crop diversification, concurrently transforming its landscapes.

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Group of villagers siting down at Kuwala's main gate with the security guards speaking to the group before they enter the Campus. There are trees in the background.

Stories from the Campus

Kuwala’s Bond with the Community.

The relationship between Kuwala and the surrounding communities is symbiotic; the local population actively supports Kuwala by providing labour for various tasks, including agricultural piecework at the farm, security services for the campus, culinary preparations, and construction efforts. This collaboration strengthens community ties and enhances the operational capacity of Kuwala’s initiatives.

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Teacher Martin is outside on a green table entering student papers on a laptop.

Stories from the Classroom

The Campus is going digital with a Smart Student Management System.

As Kuwala School expands, we’re excited to announce the rollout of a cutting-edge Management Administrative program! This innovative system seamlessly collects, analyzes, communicates, and stores essential academic data on each student’s performance.

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Rachel Salilika holding Moringa seedling outside with trees behind her

Stories from the Farm

Growing Hope: How Kuwala’s Innovative Farming is Tackling Climate Challenges in Malawi.

Amid natural disasters and food insecurity, Kuwala is leading the way with sustainable farming practices, irrigation, and new crops—offering hope and meals to a community in need.

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Screenshot showing Japanese students and Kuwala students on a Zoom call with the Japonese flag superimosed on the image.

Stories from the Campus

Muli bwanji! Konnichiwa! Two languages for the greeting Hello!

Students separated by 12,107 km, halfway around the world from each other, come together to experience technology and share culture and experiences with students in a similar secondary school environment.

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