We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children
Native American Proverb.
Kuwala students learn every day about planting, growing and greening their campus and their community. The greenhouse tomatoes, lettuces and garden vegetables are maturing and will result in a plentiful harvest. Kuwala continues to plant trees, and the students care for them. Check out the growth of a seedling planted this spring to the trees that have become so dense over the last five years.

The grass on the soccer pitch is lush and green. The grounds crew has already mowed the first cut and groomed the area. When the sports equipment arrives, the girls will be playing soccer, netball and Frisbee. They are so proud to be wearing their school sports uniforms as they participate in field games with their classmates, hosting or visiting schools from other communities. Girls participating in sports is not ordinary in Malawi. At Kuwala, the girls are given all the opportunities to develop their minds and encouraged to stay active, and are given a chance to learn and participate in various sports activities.

Resilient in a changing climate
Rising heat, too little rain and then too much rain, storms taking out roads and power systems… climate change is visible and intensifying. Malawi, like many developing countries in Africa, is grappling with adverse impacts of climate-related events. To minimize the risks and hazards that climate change creates for students and staff, Kuwala has established a working committee looking at ways to increase the school’s resiliency and build a culture of long-term sustainability.
The committee meets monthly to discuss and develop strategies like increasing power availability using renewable energy sources, increasing food security, managing water to avoid flooding, increasing campus biodiversity, managing waste on campus, harvesting biogas for cooking, and policy development.
The key goals of the committee are to act responsively and proactively; understanding the issues, assessing potential risks, and identifying reasonable actions to mitigate impacts. Each month a focus topic will be explored in-depth, and ideas will be shared in our newsletter. So keep reading and learn about how Kuwala is building resiliency in a changing climate.

Student profile
Meet Tamandan, in her own words…

I come from a family of five siblings. I want to go to secondary school as the teachers are well qualified. When I was accepted, I could imagine myself putting on a lovely school uniform. I enjoy planting trees at Kuwala because the trees make our campus look beautiful. I like playing chess and volleyball, and these activities improve my capacity to think through situations. I enjoy reading and singing, and on Saturdays, we have fun entertainment activities.

Teacher profile
Meet, Mr. Peter Chilenje, in his own words…

I am a Christian and a teacher of English, Geography, and help out with Drama and Debate Club. I did my undergraduate studies at Chancellor College of the University of Malawi. Kuwala is a good school that allows girls to become agents of positive change for their families and communities. The school provides holistic education to foster moral, social and religious development. As a result, the girls have the motivation to learn and work hard. These girls have blossoming careers ahead of them; some will likely become teachers, nurses, and social workers.

Infrastructure update

This is our first staff duplex to compliment the two individual staff houses, Kuwala_2022.
To attract the best teachers, Kuwala continues to develop housing for our dedicated teaching staff so that transportation cost isn’t a barrier to retaining our talent.
New text to donate campaign

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Why not give something significant to show your appreciation. Kuwala Christian Girls School in Malawi educates girls in one of the poorest nations. Why not give these girls a chance to change their lives and that of their families.
Starting 1-May-22, for a full month we have a Text to Donate Campaign. Text to the number 20222 the word, GIRLS to donate $5.
The steps to donate are:
- Open a new text message on our mobile device and type in 20222 as the recipient in the To Field and hit enter.
- In the body of the message, type the word, GIRLS.
- Reply Yes to the confirmation message.
- Claim your tax receipt by clicking on the link in the Thank you message.
- Let your mom know you donated to a great cause in honour of Mother’s Day.
Be sure to visit the Kuwala website for more stories about what’s happening.
A print version of this newsletter with a new look can be found on our website under Stories, newsletters.
Or download the PDF with the link below.