St Peter’s Assembly Hall is starting to take shape
August 2019рефинансирование онлайн
It has been a very busy summer at Kuwala! The staff house and St Peter’s Assembly Hall are well established. Projects take time here as everything is done by hand…brick by brick. The buildings are making the area look more like a campus and the results will be very much appreciated by the staff and students when they return in September.
As this newsletter is written, the girls are preparing to return to school mid September. Our 61 girls will enter into Form 2, which is the equivalent of Grade 10. The subjects and course load will remain the same, however the academics and content will become much harder than last year. The students do need to complete a national exam after their four years, so they file everything they do over these four years to assist with studying for these exams.
STAFF HOUSE BELOW: The staff house is ready for the roof, windows and door.

The St Peter’s Assembly Hall is progressing. This is a large project with many components. It will house the kitchen, food prep area, storage, washrooms, and seating for up to 150 people.
The fencing around the school property is almost complete. Very important component that was required due to the increasing expansion of the Kuwala campus and the storing of building supplies and materials. Also as a security measure for the staff and students.

We are always seeking to find more scholarship sponsors. Please spread our story. Our $100.00/month ($1200.00/year) scholarship sponsors will receive a separate personalized email with a picture and profile of their student that will include a personalized letter written by your student. Further communication will continue throughout the year from the students to their sponsors.
We are fundraising to assist with the additional textbooks required for Form 2. The cost per student is $185.00. If you, or your organization or book club, or congregation, or family are interested in donating for textbooks, please let us know. We are also providing a new uniform and sports jersey, for each of the girls. As they wear their uniform everyday of the school year and on the weekend to activities or outings, a single pair of socks and shirt wear out after the school season. They will also be playing netball and soccer and as a school, the jersey for participation is necessary. If you or your sports club, your golf team or your school want to rally around sponsoring the sports jerseys for our Kuwala students, just let us know as we’ll provide more details.
If you have any questions or suggestions to enhance your relationship with Kuwala Christian Girls School, please respond to this email and we’ll do our best to help. Thank you for your encouragement, support and patience as we continue to grow, continue to learn and continue to impact the lives of girls with no other option in life; to educate and to deliver them out of poverty; giving them a chance to positively impact their families and communities.